Swallow Caye Wildlife Sanctuary

Membership Information
Location of SCWS in Belize
Rules and Regulations for the Sanctuary
Boundaries of SCWS

Rules & Regulations
While Visiting Swallow Caye Wildlife Sanctuary


Ranger Station and Patrol Boat at SCWS


The following regulations have been set forth to ensure efficient management of the Swallow Caye Wildlife Sanctuary while maintaining its biological integrity for generations to come.

1. Directional, educational and other necessary signs shall be erected at strategic locations within the area;
2. From designated points, all boat operators shall turn off their engines and pole their way into the main area;
3. Once in the area of the main hole, all boats shall plant pole and tie up;
4. There shall be specific and clearly marked Entrance and Exit points. These shall be variable depending on prevailing winds to enable boats to drift with the wind;
5. Noise pollution, including the playing of loud music, is restricted within the SCWS;
6. Only a maximum of six boats shall inhabit the main hole at any one time, for a time frame not exceeding 30 minutes;
7. Only boats with a maximum length of 36 feet shall be allowed within Zone 1 - the main hole area;
8. All vessels of lengths exceeding 36 ft shall remain outside the main hole in the turtle grass and secondary hole areas;
9. No inboard/outboard diesel engine boats shall be allowed in the main hole;
10. Boat operators and tour guides shall ensure that their passengers maintain good behavioral conduct while in the area;
11. Molestation of the animals is prohibited. This includes petting, feeding and swimming with the animals;
12. All tour and boat operators shall meet the BTB's and Ports and Harbours Regulations for passenger/guide ratio and other safety regulations;
13. No littering in the Sanctuary.


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Visit Swallow Caye Wildlife Sanctuary by using guides from Caye Caulker, San Pedro or Belize City.